15 research outputs found

    An Overview of Indicators and Indices Used for Urban Mobility Assessment

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    The urban mobility is affected by global trends resulting in a growing passenger and freight transport demand. In order to improve the understanding of urban mobility in general, to evaluate mobility services and to quantify the overall transport system performance, it is necessary to assess urban mobility. Urban mobility assessment requires the application of methodology integrating different metrics and explicitly applying a multi-dimensional approach. Since scientific community does not define urban mobility in an unambiguous way, part of this paper is devoted to the analysis of the definition of urban mobility. This step enables better understanding of urban mobility in general, as well as understanding of the urban mobility assessment process. Usually, a three-layered approach that includes urban mobility data, indicators and indices is used for the assessment. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to perform extensive research in order to synthesize, define and organize the elements of those layers. The existing urban mobility indicators and indices have been developed for specific urban areas, taking into account local specifications, and they are not applicable in other cities. Also, the choice of urban mobility indicators is mainly related to the existence of data sources, which limits the objective and comparable assessment of the mobility of cities where such data do not exist.</p

    Transport Technology in the Function of Water Transport Development in the Republic of Croatia

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    The Republic of Croatia, which has geo-traffic predispositions for the development of river traffic as one of the least expensive transport modes, with the lowest percentage of environmental pollution, should tend towards strategic and planned objective of being implemented into the Trans-European Transport Network by the construction of the Danube-Sava river canal, channelling of the Sava river for smooth navigation in the navigability class of Vb category, expansion and modernisation of the existing port capacities along the waterways and the expansion of the Sava waterway to Zagreb. The subject of the research is based on the assumption that will zoom in the navigability class to achieve a balanced use of the natural resources and a reduced energy use and environment pollution, which would reduce the cost of transportation, emissions and risks of accidents, especially in the transport of dangerous goods

    Data Envelopment Analysis for Determining the Efficiency of Variant Solutions for Traffic Flow Organisation

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    There is a small number of empirical modelling study cases available that are related to the calculation of variant solutions efficiency from the aspect of sustainable mobility in the urban areas. In practice, it is often necessary - especially when it comes to the urban transport network - to evaluate the solutions for traffic flow organisation and routing, in order to implement the one(s) with the maximum potential to reduce the possibility of congestion during peak travelling periods i.e. during transport network peak load. The paper presents an approach to the aforementioned problem by the application of the transport system efficiency analysis. The aspect of traffic flow organisation and routing efficiency in variant solutions is clarified through the analysis model development, built on the premises of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method and the principles of unnecessary traffic flow intersections (TFI) theory. The proposed model defines the efficiency limit for data attributed to variant solutions, based on the calculation of the optimal TFI model and the possibilities of DEA method that include comparison and definition of relative routing efficiency for every optional traffic flow against the efficiency limit (optimal model) in order to calculate relative efficiency in relation to other solutions.</p

    The intensity of the simultaneous contrast effect depending on the change of background lightness

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    U radu je istražen utjecaj pozadinskog efekta indukcije ili simultanog kontrasta na određenoj vrsti medija prilikom reprodukcije konstruiranog dizajnerskog rješenja. Pritom je na 10 načina varirana svjetlina pozadine koja okružuje primarni stimulus (pravokutnik) na specifično konstruiranom dizajnu. Utvrđen je intenzitet i smjer odstupanja u pojavnosti svjetline pomoću tehnike simultanog binokularnog usuglašavanja na određenom broju ispitanika (10). ANOVA analizom utvrđeno je postojanje razlika među aritmetičkim sredinama (F = 132,50; p = 0,000) te su post-hoc analizom po Fisheru klasificirane tri grupe uzoraka: uzorci na kojima se simultani kontrast očituje jače (vrlo tamna pozadina); uzorci na kojima je efekt slabiji (svjetlija pozadina); te uzorci na kojima se efekt manifestira u suprotnom smjeru (vrlo svijetla pozadina).The paper explores the influence of the background effect of induction or simultaneous contrast on a specific type of media during the reproduction of a constructed design solution. The lightness of the background that surrounds the primary stimulus (rectangle) on a specifically constructed design was varied in ten ways. The intensity and direction of variations in the manifestation of lightness was determined with the help of the technique of simultaneous binocular harmonization on a certain number of respondents (10). The ANOVA analysis determined the existence of differences between arithmetic means (F = 132,50; p = 0,000), and the post-hoc analysis by Fisher classified three groups of samples: samples on which simultaneous contrast reflects more strongly (a very dark background); samples on which the effect is weaker (a light background); and samples on which the effect is manifested in the opposite direction (a very bright background)

    (Ir)reversibility of Croatian and Italian Binominals

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    Stabilnost strukture važno je frazemsko obilježje, koje se na početku razvoja frazeologije kao znanstvene discipline jasno ograničilo i istaknulo. Međutim, istraživanja temeljena na analizi mrežnih korpusa pokazuju da pojedina obilježja zahtijevaju drugačiji pristup. Stabilnost strukture ne isključuje se iz popisa temeljnih obilježja frazema, ali se sve više smatra relativnom, dok se varijabilnost frazema naglašava kao značajka koja također bitno obilježava frazeme. To vrijedi za sve frazeološke podvrste uključujući i leksičke binome. Različiti tipovi varijacije obilježavaju i same binome, ali o njihovoj reverzibilnosti, odnosno topološkoj varijaciji nisu postojala opsežnija istraživanja. Unatoč manjkavosti frazeografske obradbe leksičkih binoma, mnogi od njih pokazuju visok postotak reverzibilnosti. Raščlambom se ekscerpiranih primjera iz korpusa talijanskoga i hrvatskoga jezika reverzibilnost potvrđuje kao bitno obilježje leksičkih binoma.La stabilità della struttura è una caratteristica dei frasemi assai importante, che all’inizio dello sviluppo della fraseologia come disciplina scientifica era chiaramente delimitata e messa in rilievo. Tuttavia, le ricerche recenti basate sull’analisi dei web corpora nazionali mostrano che certe caratteristiche dei frasemi richiedono un approccio più differenziato, per cui la stabilità della struttura, non escludendola dall’elenco delle caratteristiche essenziali, viene sempre più considerata relativa, mentre la variabilità viene messa in rilievo, essendo una caratteristica essenziale dei frasemi. Ciò vale per tutte le sottoclassi fraseologiche, compresi i binomi lessicali, che erano riconosciuti in particolar modo dalla loro struttura stabile. Si tratta di costruzioni polilessicali, perlopiù lessicalizzate, con una struttura più o meno stabile, caratterizzate spesso dall’idiomaticità. Diversi tipi di variazione, soprattutto di quella lessicale, caratterizzano i binomi stessi, ma finora non sono state condotte ricerche approfondite sulla loro irreversibilità, cioè sulla variazione topologica. Nonostante le mancanze dell’elaborazione fraseografica dei binomi, molti di essi mostrano un’elevata percentuale di reversibilità e l’ordine dei loro componenti non è così immutabile come è stato sostenuto finora. L’ordine dei componenti di molti binomi sull’asse sincronico è reversibile e c’è spesso la preferenza per una sequenza, il che dovrebbe essere preso in considerazione nella loro elaborazione fraseografica. L’analisi degli esempi estratti dai web corpora itWaC per l\u27italiano e hrWac per il croato conferma che la reversibilità è una caratteristica essenziale dei binomi lessicali.When phraseology first emerged as a scientific discipline, the structural stability of phraseological units was emphasized as one of its most important properties. However, the recent research based on the online corpora suggests that certain properties of phraseological units require a differentiated approach, and while the structural stability is still is one of its inherent properties, it is considered relative, which is why its variability is increasingly emphasised. This applies to all types of phraseological units, including binomials, which are typically characterized by a rigid structure. Binominals are multi-word units, mainly lexicalized, and have a more or less stable structure, which often denotes idiomaticity. Different types of idiom variations, especially lexical ones are one of the characteristics of binomials; but their irreversibility, i.e., topological variation, has not been extensively researched. Despite the shortcomings of the phraseological analysis of binomials, many showed a high degree of reversibility, and the sequence of their components proved to be more inconsistent than previously claimed. Within a given synchronous cross-section, the sequence of many binomial components is reversible, while one sequence is often prioritized. This should be increasingly considered in the phraseographic analyses of binomials. The analysis of the examples extracted from the Italian web corpus itWaC and Croatian hrWac confirms that reversibility is an inherent property of binomials

    (Ir)reversibility of Croatian and Italian Binominals

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    Stabilnost strukture važno je frazemsko obilježje, koje se na početku razvoja frazeologije kao znanstvene discipline jasno ograničilo i istaknulo. Međutim, istraživanja temeljena na analizi mrežnih korpusa pokazuju da pojedina obilježja zahtijevaju drugačiji pristup. Stabilnost strukture ne isključuje se iz popisa temeljnih obilježja frazema, ali se sve više smatra relativnom, dok se varijabilnost frazema naglašava kao značajka koja također bitno obilježava frazeme. To vrijedi za sve frazeološke podvrste uključujući i leksičke binome. Različiti tipovi varijacije obilježavaju i same binome, ali o njihovoj reverzibilnosti, odnosno topološkoj varijaciji nisu postojala opsežnija istraživanja. Unatoč manjkavosti frazeografske obradbe leksičkih binoma, mnogi od njih pokazuju visok postotak reverzibilnosti. Raščlambom se ekscerpiranih primjera iz korpusa talijanskoga i hrvatskoga jezika reverzibilnost potvrđuje kao bitno obilježje leksičkih binoma.La stabilità della struttura è una caratteristica dei frasemi assai importante, che all’inizio dello sviluppo della fraseologia come disciplina scientifica era chiaramente delimitata e messa in rilievo. Tuttavia, le ricerche recenti basate sull’analisi dei web corpora nazionali mostrano che certe caratteristiche dei frasemi richiedono un approccio più differenziato, per cui la stabilità della struttura, non escludendola dall’elenco delle caratteristiche essenziali, viene sempre più considerata relativa, mentre la variabilità viene messa in rilievo, essendo una caratteristica essenziale dei frasemi. Ciò vale per tutte le sottoclassi fraseologiche, compresi i binomi lessicali, che erano riconosciuti in particolar modo dalla loro struttura stabile. Si tratta di costruzioni polilessicali, perlopiù lessicalizzate, con una struttura più o meno stabile, caratterizzate spesso dall’idiomaticità. Diversi tipi di variazione, soprattutto di quella lessicale, caratterizzano i binomi stessi, ma finora non sono state condotte ricerche approfondite sulla loro irreversibilità, cioè sulla variazione topologica. Nonostante le mancanze dell’elaborazione fraseografica dei binomi, molti di essi mostrano un’elevata percentuale di reversibilità e l’ordine dei loro componenti non è così immutabile come è stato sostenuto finora. L’ordine dei componenti di molti binomi sull’asse sincronico è reversibile e c’è spesso la preferenza per una sequenza, il che dovrebbe essere preso in considerazione nella loro elaborazione fraseografica. L’analisi degli esempi estratti dai web corpora itWaC per l\u27italiano e hrWac per il croato conferma che la reversibilità è una caratteristica essenziale dei binomi lessicali.When phraseology first emerged as a scientific discipline, the structural stability of phraseological units was emphasized as one of its most important properties. However, the recent research based on the online corpora suggests that certain properties of phraseological units require a differentiated approach, and while the structural stability is still is one of its inherent properties, it is considered relative, which is why its variability is increasingly emphasised. This applies to all types of phraseological units, including binomials, which are typically characterized by a rigid structure. Binominals are multi-word units, mainly lexicalized, and have a more or less stable structure, which often denotes idiomaticity. Different types of idiom variations, especially lexical ones are one of the characteristics of binomials; but their irreversibility, i.e., topological variation, has not been extensively researched. Despite the shortcomings of the phraseological analysis of binomials, many showed a high degree of reversibility, and the sequence of their components proved to be more inconsistent than previously claimed. Within a given synchronous cross-section, the sequence of many binomial components is reversible, while one sequence is often prioritized. This should be increasingly considered in the phraseographic analyses of binomials. The analysis of the examples extracted from the Italian web corpus itWaC and Croatian hrWac confirms that reversibility is an inherent property of binomials

    Floating Car Data Technology

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    The limiting conditions of traffic in cities, together with the complex and dynamic traffic flows, require an efficient and systematic management and information provision for the traffic participants, with the goal to achieve better utilisation of traffic resources and preserve sustainable mobility. In that context, it is important to identify the traffic flow location features, which requires data and information. This paper presents the application of mobile vehicles for the collection of real time traffic flow data. Such data have become an important source of traffic data, since they can be collected in a simple and cost-efficient way, enabling higher coverage than the conventional approaches, despite the reliability issues. The term referring to that type of data collection, commonly used in scientific and professional literature is FCD (Floating Car Data) and “Probe vehicle”. The efficiency presentation of applying this extensive data source for retrieving necessary parameters and information related to the achievement of sustainable mobility is the final objective of this paper. A description of modern technologies that serve as a basis for probe vehicle data collection has been provided: a geographical information system (GIS), global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and related wireless communication. Within the key technologies review, the development possibilities of data collection by mobile sensors have also been presented

    Molecular characteristics of MRSA strains and patient risk factors in vascular surgery

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    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the major pathogens in hospitals, and since the 1990s it has been recognized as an important pathogen in community infections. (1) The aim of this study was to analyze MRSA strains from a vascular surgery ward over a five-year period, since the vascular ward is considered to be a high-risk site for different multi-resistant pathogens, among which MRSA is very important. The method used for the microbiological identification and susceptibility testing of strains was the Vitek2 system. For the detailed characterization of the MRSA strains, we used the following molecular methods: SCCmec typing, pulse-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), spa typing and Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) detection. During the 5-year period, 77 MRSA strains were isolated. Antimicrobial susceptibility: 100% of MRSA isolates were susceptible to oxazolidinones and glycopeptides, 55% were susceptible to gentamycin, and 98% were susceptible to tetracyclines. SCCmec typing: 43 of 77 (55.8%) strains were typed as SCCmec I. The number of isolates with SCCmec II was 28 (36.4%). Three isolates carried SCCmec III. After the PFGE analysis, the isolates were grouped into six similarity groups: A-F. The largest number of isolates (80.6%) belonged to one of two groups: A: 35 (46.8%) and D: 25 (33.8%). Conclusion: The analysis of MRSA strains in the vascular surgery ward revealed high homogeneity among the strains, the majority of which belonged to SCCmec type I. This type, together with the susceptibility profile and PFGE grouping, is considered to be typical of Hospital-Acquired (HA) MRSA

    Lokalizirana amiloidoza dušnika

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    Amyloidosis is a disorder characterized by localized or diffuse deposition of fibrillary proteins in the extracellular space, causing progressive damage to tissue structure and organ function. Any organ system of the body may be involved by amyloidosis. A case is presented of localized tracheal amyloidosis in a 62-year-old man treated for active lung tuberculosis. Among other procedures, diagnostic workup included bronchoscopy, which revealed tumor-like lesions of tracheal mucosa. Histologic analysis of the involved mucosa biopsy sample pointed to amyloidosis. Treatment with laser photocoagulation resulted in remarkable regression of the lesions.Amiloidoza je poremećaj lokaliziranog ili difuznog nakupljanja fibrilarnih proteina u izvanstaničnom prostoru, koji progresivno oštećuju strukturu tkiva i funkciju organa. Poremećaj može zahvatiti bilo koji organski sustav u tijelu. Prikazuje se slučaj lokalizirane amiloidoze dušnika u 62-godišnjeg bolesnika liječenog zbog aktivne tuberkuloze pluća. Između ostalih dijagnostičkih postupaka učinjena je i bronhoskopija, pri čem su uočene tumoru slične promjene na sluznici dušnika. Histološka pretraga uzorka dobivenog biopsijom sluznice sa zahvaćenog mjesta ukazala je na amiloidozu. Liječenje laserskom fotokoagulacijom rezultiralo je znatnim povlačenjem nastalih promjena

    Lokalizirana amiloidoza dušnika

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    Amyloidosis is a disorder characterized by localized or diffuse deposition of fibrillary proteins in the extracellular space, causing progressive damage to tissue structure and organ function. Any organ system of the body may be involved by amyloidosis. A case is presented of localized tracheal amyloidosis in a 62-year-old man treated for active lung tuberculosis. Among other procedures, diagnostic workup included bronchoscopy, which revealed tumor-like lesions of tracheal mucosa. Histologic analysis of the involved mucosa biopsy sample pointed to amyloidosis. Treatment with laser photocoagulation resulted in remarkable regression of the lesions.Amiloidoza je poremećaj lokaliziranog ili difuznog nakupljanja fibrilarnih proteina u izvanstaničnom prostoru, koji progresivno oštećuju strukturu tkiva i funkciju organa. Poremećaj može zahvatiti bilo koji organski sustav u tijelu. Prikazuje se slučaj lokalizirane amiloidoze dušnika u 62-godišnjeg bolesnika liječenog zbog aktivne tuberkuloze pluća. Između ostalih dijagnostičkih postupaka učinjena je i bronhoskopija, pri čem su uočene tumoru slične promjene na sluznici dušnika. Histološka pretraga uzorka dobivenog biopsijom sluznice sa zahvaćenog mjesta ukazala je na amiloidozu. Liječenje laserskom fotokoagulacijom rezultiralo je znatnim povlačenjem nastalih promjena